Businesses initiated social contribution activities for the world where their staff walked alongside people in vulnerable conditions. / photo: SK Securities, Hecto Group
Businesses initiated social contribution activities for the world where their staff walked alongside people in vulnerable conditions. / photo: SK Securities, Hecto Group

[Consumerwide - Hayoung Chang Reporter/Yohan Bok Reporter] Businesses initiated social contribution activities for the world where their staff walked alongside people in vulnerable conditions.

SK Securities took care of citizens living in slums and citizens with impairments as part of staff contribution activities. Hecto Group plans to donate blood to the Korea Paediatric Cancer Foundation through a staff blood donation campaign. SK Securities initiated the happy social contribution activities as a part of the staff promotional training programme. In particular, they have cleaned public restrooms and corridors of buildings and repainted old walls in the area. During the second project, SKS has carried out activities at a welfare facility (Shinahwon) for people with disabilities. The activity involved making crafts, a gardening class, and a facility for citizens with impairments. The place offers career rehabilitation training for returning to society with financial activities and training for integration into society. 100 citizens with intellectual impairments stay at the facility. An associated person from SKC said, "We have connected between ESG Day and our annual staff promotional training programme for the first time this year. Through the activity, our staff was able to practice caring for neighbourhoods, which might result in personal growth. SKS will try to continue responsibility and duty as a business citizen through activities that involve our members directly."

Hecto Group has initiated Hecto&, a staff blood donation campaign every six months. During the 5th blood donation programme, they have demonstrated connections between Hecto Group members and patients who need blood. 100 staff members participated from affiliated companies, including Hecto Innovation (Mydata), Hecto Financial (Techpic), Hecto Data (expertised in data mediation and processing), and Hecto Healthcare (IT healthcare), and the group encouraged staff by providing functional food, food vouchers, and chocolate. The entire blood donation certification is donated to the Korea Paediatric Cancer Foundation. An associated person from the group said, "The blood donation campaign, Hecto&, for which our members volunteer, is taking place as our representative social contribution activity. We will try to continue a variety of activities for ESG management and loving neighbourhoods.




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