Activities of consumption value may have to be fun, not a tiresome duty. / Image: consumerwide
Activities of consumption value may have to be fun, not a tiresome duty. / Image: consumerwide

[Consumerwide - Hayoung Chang Reporter/Yohan Bok Reporter] Consumption value and environmental consumption sound familiar to us living in an era that understands the climate crisis as common sense. Just like the way we got familiar with recycling, environmental consumption seems to be becoming something normal.

As long as it's easy and free, I will do it."

Environmental consumption is an ordinary concept, yet we still have a tendency to hesitate to practice it when it comes to the cost and effort. For instance, using a tumbler might be so easy, but it still takes extra effort to bring them along. Then, what could motivate us to do so? A discount might persuade one to take action.

Although Tumbler's d/c policy is widely known, there is still much to learn. Value-conscious consumers may be thrilled to find new approaches. Over 100 people are accessing the carbon neutralisation point system (incentives), which are granted to consumers who buy products from membership businesses. Involvement in the following activities can give you points: using e-receipts, frequent use of reusable containers or refill stations, renting clean fuel vehicles, and recycling your smartphone. You, too, can participate in the programme through their homepage. (Carbon Neutralisation Point: Green Life Practice)

Additionally, there is the Wherever Green Card project. This project began through a partnership between financial companies and the Ministry of Environment. This programme offers benefits in the area of environmental transportation. (renewed in November 2023) Accordingly, the charging fee for electric and hydrogen fuel vehicles gets a maximum of 40% (min. 20%) of the point-saving benefit for expenses from a month prior. Additionally, 10% of your spending on public transportation, including Socar, Greencar, buses, and express buses, also saves you points. Other than that, you also have a chance to win the point (eco money) for the purchase of environmental mark-certified products, such as low-carbon or environmental-score-certified products or low-carbon agricultural products, at the green member stores. You can pay phone bills or use public transportation with the saved points. The Altteul Transportation Card (K-Pass/May) could be another option. You can participate in the card programme after the application process while using the app. The cost may cover all your tiresome effort as long as the card is used over 15 times a month, as it offers a range of discounts in the mileage system (20% d/c for adults, 30% d/c for citizens between 19 and 34 years, and 53% d/c for low-income families). It counts a maximum of 60 times a month.

There might be some other consumption benefit, which I haven't discovered yet, due to green consumption. If you get to enjoy it, the discovery of new benefits while continuing environmental consumption might be even more delightful.



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