Businesses have begun helping people with impairments as a part of their ESG management project. (Photo:LG H&H, Springshine/ Edit: Consumerwide)
Businesses have begun helping people with impairments as a part of their ESG management project. (Photo:LG H&H, Springshine/ Edit: Consumerwide)

[Consumerwide - Hayoung Chang Reporter/ Yohan Bok Reporter] Businesses began helping citizens with disabilities as part of their ESG management initiative. Since this year, LG H&H has added people with hearing impairments to their Wings for Female Citizens with Impairments project and distributed customised devices. A total of 112 female citizens are beneficiaries of the project on an accumulated basis. (The project began in 2020.) Springshine volunteered to make the ESG pottery tumbler in cooperation with the Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute. Springshine is a business that discovers and trains people with developmental impairments as professional artists.

LG H&H has added people with hearing impairments to their Wings for Female Citizens with Impairments project this year. Formerly, only people with brain lesions and physical or visual impairments were included. Wings for Female Citizens with Impairments is a project that supports female citizens with impairments by supplying customised devices for daily life, delivery, and childcare, in cooperation with the Beautiful Fund and Gyeonggido Assistive Technology Research and Assistance Centre. Innitially, the Wings for Female Citizens with Impairments began in 2020 by providing customised devices to female citizens with impairments in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas at a maximum of 1 million won per person. The project is now in its fifth year. It aims to help female citizens with impairments in Korea and is funded through a one-to-one matching fund based on the donations (part of income) from business members (staff and executive staff) of LG H&H. So far, they have supplied individually customised devices for 112 female citizens.

The device for people with hearing impairments contains the following functions: converting between sound and text (communication when you face people), converting sound and printing text on the screen (sound-text conversion subtitle glasses), alarming with light or vibration in fire or disastrous cases, and sensing the cry of a child. LG H&H is examining more effective directions for the Wings for Female Citizens with Impairments by carrying out studies about the areas of need and current status of the devices (for the females with impairments) and a service lab to sense female mansturation.

Choi Namsu, the director of LG H&H in the ESG/external collaboration sector, said, "The Wings for Female Citizens with Impairments is designed to take responsibility as a business citizen by providing opportunities to females with impairments to recover a healthy identity and discover jobs that perfectly suit them. We will also try to assist them in managing even better daily routines by carrying out studies for the enhancement of the programme."

50 lab technicians and 25 new lab technicians from Springshine have volunteered to make the ESG pottery tumbler throughout the two sessions. The event started off with a magic show of Harry, the artist with developmental impairment, which led to a vibrant atmosphere, and potters with developmental impairment over 10 years of experience, including Jeon Junhyeok and Park Jinho, led activities of making two tumblers each, which lab technicians participated in: making their own tumblers and making tumblers with Springshine Mascort "Haetsal" (sunshine). (*The character tumblers are donated to Goodwill Store.)

The Springshine is a social business that discovers and trains professional artists with developmental impairments, and has trained numerous trainers with impairments through a ceramic instructors with developmental impairments training programme since 2016.



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