The new car sales record has rebounded after slowing down./ photo: Consumerwide DB
The new car sales record has rebounded after slowing down./ photo: Consumerwide DB

[Consumerwide - HueSoung Jun Reporter / Yohan Bok Reporter]  The new electric car sales record is revitalizing. The sales record that's been decreasing until the third quarter compared to a year prior has increased by November compared to the same month last year. The trend appears to be being followed by new electric cars from Hyundai, Kia, KG Mobility and Chinese-manufactured Tesla. In particular, electric models that have a large scale of discounts due to brand policy seem to attract customers. It's been predicted that the new releases of Volvo, Jeep, and Cadilac will lead to a growth trend in electric cars next year. Electric car purchases are seen as environmental consumption values.

According to the "November electric car sales trend," which Consumerwide received from Carisyou on the 12th, the new electric car registration count was 16,883, which is a 9.3% increase from a month prior, an increase for three continuous months, and a 1.3% rebounce from the same month last year. In specific, the sales record of electric cars was 117,611 during the third quarter, which was a 1.9% decrease from the same season last year.

The new electric car registration record in each month is as follows: August 10,348 (29.2%▼ from a month prior), September 14,183 (37.1%▲), October 15,445 (8.9%▲), and November 16,883 (9.3% ▲). The record shows that there has been an increase for three consecutive months. It's been estimated to recover from the third quarter during the fourth quarter if the trend doesn't cool down. Regarding the case, it can be interpreted that the increase trend is due to the electric model of Tesla, which has a low price due to manufacturing in China, along with domestic and overseas brands offering a discount policy during the fourth quarter. The new electric car registration record in September has rapidly increased compared to a month prior. September is also the month that a lower price of the electric Tesla model was released in Korea. The China-manufactured version of Tesla sold 4,206 in September, 2,814 in October, and 3,542 in November. The Chinese-manufactured version of Tesla was sold the most among entire electric models, which include Korean and overseas brands, in the domestic car market in November.

Data: Carisyou Datalab
Data: Carisyou Datalab

Korean and overseas brands are trying to rebounce by offering a discount deal. Hyundai and Kia have been giving a 2–3 million won default discount for major electric models since September. Benz, BMW, and Audi are offering 10 to 20% discount promotions at the end of the year. Along with the discount policy, there has been a 50% increase in sales records for major electric models of Hyundai in November compared to a month prior. 1,333 new electric models of KG Mobility were sold in November, and they ranked fourth in overall sales competition. Some electric models from overseas brands also had improvements. The electric models of Benz are succeeding by ranking 10th and 11th in sales records. A small SUV from Volvo, which already began early reservations with large expectations, began being delivered to customers in the coming year. Additionally, Cadilac and Jeep are each presenting their first electric model. With the new release trend of overseas brands, it's been predicted to bring a new breeze to the electric car market in Korea.




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