오산공군기지 한국군 확진자가 숨겨진 첫번째 전파자?

▲ 사진 출처 : 제4언론 홈페이지 보도 내용 캡쳐(http://www.4thmedia.org/2015/06/south-korea-mers-emerged-out-of-the-pentagons-biowarfare-labs-2)

[컨슈머와이드-Patrick Jun]한국을 공포의 도가니로 몰아 넣고 있는 메르스(중동 중증호흡기증후군) 확산이 미국 펜타곤 생화학무기 실험실에서 비롯됐다는 주장을 담은 일본 기자의 글이 SNS를 따라 알파만파 전해지고 있다.

이같은 내용은 일본계 탐사전문기자로 소개된 요이치 시마추의 기사를 제4언론(The 4th Media)이 보도함으로써 처음 전해졌다.

'제4언론'은 요이치 시마추이 기사를 인용하면서 군사 검열 장막이 한국의 중동호흡기병을 중지시키는데 필요한 의사, 의료연구사, 공중보건관리들의 정보접근을 막고 있는 현실을 지적하며 메르스가 펜타곤의 세균전 기획과 연결 된 여러 흔적들을 제시했다고 전했다.

또한 요이치 시마추이 기자가 “펜타곤은 오랫동안 수십 개의 생화학연구기술 회사들을 비롯하여 국내외 대학들과 민간 연구소를 외주하여 세균전 관련 연구를 기획해왔다”며 “메르스의 세계적 감시기구인 세계보건기구(WHO)가 서울 주둔 국제백신기구(IVI)를 비밀리에 지원하고 있으며, IVI의 최고 과학자며 의장이 USAF 관계자라고 하였다. 또 WHO-IVI 과학자가 미국의 세균전 연구와 관련되어 있었다는 사실들도 밝혔다.”고 주장했다.

요이치 시마추이는 "메르스 확산이 기지 내 미군 연구실 사고로 인해 일어났을 가능성이 크다"면서 메르스 확진자였던 오산 공군기지내 한국군 간부가 사실상 첫 메르스 환자라는 주장을 했고, 또 탄저균과 메르스를 연관지어, 지난달말 오산 미군 공군기지에 살아있는 탄저균이 배달된 것이 보도된 이유도 미군이 메르스를 생화학무기로 만들었다는 사실을 은폐하기 위한 '연막작전'이었다고 주장했다.

더 나아가 미국은 70년 전 731부대의 바이러스학자를 미 육군에서 세균전 실험을 계속하도록 초청하였으며, 한국전에서도 비밀리에 앞록강 골짜기에 야간비행으로 세균폭탄을 투하하였다고 주장하는 증언을 언급하였다.

이같은 보도 내용에 TV조선은 6월 20일자 단독 보도를 통해 "“미국 펜타곤이 국내 메르스 확산에 직접 개입했다”는 음모론이 해외 친북 사이트를 중심으로 퍼지고 있다. 미국 최대 친북사이트로 알려진 재미동포전국연합 홈페이지에서는 한 일본계 미국 기자가 "메르스 확산이 미군기지 내 연구실 사고로 일어났을 가능성이 크다”는 내용의 ‘미군 개입 음모설’을 주장하고 있다. 이와 관련해 전문가들은 해외 종북 세력이 메르스 사태를 악용해 남남 갈등을 부추기고 있다고 분석했다."고 전했다.

이같은 내용이 SNS를 통해 네티즌들에게 전해지기 시작하면서 "말도 안되는 음모론이다." "또 다른 음모론이 탄생했다."며 이같은 기사를 작성한 일본계 기자라는 인물과 이것을 전한 '제4언론'이라는 매체에 대해서는 정확하게 검증해 보아야 한다는 의견이 많았고, 한편으로는 "탄저균 배달사고와 한국 메르스의 상황이 어떻게 연결됐는지 그 의문점이 풀렸다." "결국 이런 거였구나" 등 음모론에 동조하여 문제점을 인정하는 듯한 의견들도 많이 댓글로 게재되고 있다.

대다수의 네티즌들과 국민들은 이에 관해 분명한 사실 규명을 원하고, 더 이상 근거없는 이야기들로 불안과 공포를 조장하고, 분열이 가중되는 상황은 만들어지지 않기를 바라고 있다. 따라서 이에 대해 정부가 분명하고도 엄중한 수사와 결과 확인을 제시해 주실 기대하고 있다.

다음은 제4언론의 영문 전문 기사를 전문 게재한다.
Yoichi Shimatsu | Thursday, June 18, 2015, 14:24 Beijing

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A curtain of military censorship is preventing physicians, medical researchers and South Korea’s public health officials from accessing information needed to halt the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The nation’s first MERS infection was pinned on an 68-year-old Korean businessman who returned to his native Gyeonggi province, 40 km south of the capital Seoul, after visiting an undisclosed location in the Mideast. This first patient remains anonymous and out of reach of the public eye.
Ignored in the worldwide media hysteria is a trail of evidence linking the MERS pandemic to virus research under the Pentagon’s biological warfare program. The following facts indicate the South Korean pandemic, which started in late May, may have been caused by a laboratory accident at the JUPITR biowarfare project at Osan U.S. Air Force Base, 40 km south of Seoul. This writer’s opinions are bracketed.
– The MERS contagion on the Arabian Peninsula that started in 2012 was caused by bats and not camels as widely reported. Although categorized as a camel disease due to virus-specific antibodies present in that species, MERS has a longer history in humans as the “caveman’s disease” spread through contact with bat-infested cliff-side dwellings along the Nile Valley. The bat-borne virus spread to the human population as a consequence of U.S. Air Force use of GBU-28 bunker-buster bombs tipped with depleted uranium to destroy tunnel systems and caves during the second American-led invasion of Iraq. Infected Egyptian tomb bats were thus forced to find shelter in human-congested towns. Source: microbiologist who worked under Department of Defense contract. (Note: Exposure of bats to DU radiation exposure may have increased virulence of the virus.)
– Naval Research Unit 3 (NAMRU-3), the U.S. biological warfare team based in Cairo, Egypt, subsequently deciphered the genetic code of MERS, identifying it as a coronavirus (CoV), belonging to the same sphere-shaped virus group as SARS and the common cold. The MERS-CoV research was supervised by the Biological Defense Research Directorate at Fort Detrick, Maryland, site of the Pentagon’s top biowarfare laboratory and the Aberdeen Proving Ground. Source: American Forces Press Service. (Note: The official claim that initial samples came from Jordan could be part of a news blackout over the spread of MERS in military-occupied Iraq.)
– On April Fool’s Day 2014, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) inaugurated its Biological Technologies Office with MERS research as its top priority, according to DARPA Director Arati Prabhakar. This Pentagon-funded program outsources biowarfare-related research to dozens of biotech companies and civilian labs at institutes and universities in the U.S. and abroad, for example, Novavax in Maryland and Medicago in Canada, along with undisclosed labs. Source: The Business of Federal Technologies (FCW) magazine
– In the earliest phase of the South Korean outbreak, 100 South Korean military personnel were quarantined at the USAF Osan Air Base, following the MERS infection of a servicemen. This early infection indicates the Korean soldier is the actual Patient Zero. The soldier was reportedly treated for a bone fracture at a private hospital before his transfer to the 151st medical hospital at Osan. Source: Yonhap News Service June 3, 2015. (Note: The bone fracture could indicate that a laboratory accident or a broken shipping case may have been the starting point of the MERS outbreak.)
– Osan Air Base, in Gyeonggi province, is home to the Joint U.S. Forces-Korea Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition advanced technology demonstration (JUPITR ATD), a military biological surveillance program that operates its other lab facility at Fort Detrick, MD. Osan airfield, as the USAF transport hub to Seattle-Tacoma Airport (SEA-TAC), is the major treatment and evacuation center for injured military personnel and, therefore, a center for biowarfare surveillance and response. (Note: Conveniently, Gyeonggi is reported as the home province of the infected businessman who traveled to the Mideast.)
– Global monitoring of the MERS pandemic is led by the World Health Organization (WHO), which also sponsors the secretive Seoul-based the International Vaccine Institute (IVI). The chief scientist and executive director of IVI is a USAF officer seconded into the U.S. Army named Colonel Jerome Kim. He is former head of the Molecular Virology and Pathogenesis Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Rockville, Maryland. Included in the WHO-IVI scientific advisory board is Dr. Claudio Lanata, science director of U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit 6 in Callao, Peru, a leading military center for biowarfare development. Source: IVI website. (Note: It should be shocking that the U.S. military controls the WHO’s main virus laboratory. Why have we come to tamely accept such imperial command and control?)
– Researchers at South Korea’s National Institute of Health, examining tissue samples from Korean patients, found that the MERS variant is a “near-match” with the Saudi virus. Source: South Korean Health and Welfare Ministry website. (Note: Noticeable differences in a near-match indicates mutation. In a natural person-to-person transmission, the genetic base pairs of the virus would have been hardly detectable. The minor variations in the ribonucleic acid structure could have resulted in the Korean MERS to be more rapidly transmitted, increasing its potential as a biowarfare agent.)
– Public attention to MERS was distracted by the “accidental” shipment of live Sterne strain anthrax from the U.S. Army’s Dugway Proving Ground in Utah to Osan Air Base. (Note: The shipment was possibly organized to falsely attribute any deaths of Korean military personnel to anthrax rather than MERS in order to conceal the weaponization of MERS. If indeed a major biowarfare attack is being prepared against oil-producing Arab states, it would make sense to transfer the genetic modification task to South Korea.)
WHO as agent of military and pharmaceuticals
The WHO has abetted the spread of airborne pathogens by failing to promote Indoor Air Quality recommendations from Hong Kong doctors for hospitals, clinics, senior homes and schools. As in the prior situation of SARS, the spread of MERS-CoV increases exponentially with virus-load concentrations within an indoor environment.
What’s needed are the redesign of medical facilities to prevent aerial transmission among patients and medical staffers, and generation of free-radicals to destroy infectious particles inside titanium dioxide air cleansers.
 The spread of MERS inside four Korean hospitals is a reminder of how during the SARS outbreak WHO Director Margaret Chan stubbornly opposed hospital redesign in Hong Kong, thereby revealing herself to be a corrupt promoter of lucrative vaccine research by major pharmaceutical corporations. The hard-learned lessons from the 2002-04 SARS pandemic in Hong Kong and southern China apparently never reached Seoul or Geneva.
The secrecy of its virus institute along with a Biosecurity program for research labs is transforming the WHO into an appendage of the Pentagon and NATO. Its flagrant violations of medical ethics have spurred calls for sweeping reform. WHO served as an acquiescent partner in the deliberate planting of a modified Ebola virus in mineral-rich West Africa, as reported in this author’s seven
-essay series, and the spread of MERS in the oil-producing Gulf States.
 Legacy of wartime Unit 731
South Korea is today the WHO center for virology due to the lasting legacy of militarist Japan’s special-weapons group Unit 731. Decades ahead of the US and Britain in virus research, the Japanese military isolated highly contagious Hantavirus in occupied Manchuria during the late 1930s prior to the invention of the electron microscope.
The innovative virus program was kept top-secret by disguising it under long-established bacteriological studies of bubonic plague. The viral weapon was deployed against Chinese cities, resulting in the deaths of untold masses of civilian residents and at least 2,000 Japanese soldiers in contagions that spread far more quickly than bubonic plague.
At war’s end 70 years ago, virologists with Unit 731 were cordially invited to continue their deadly research at the U.S. Army’s biowarfare lab at the Dugway Proving Ground. Although vigorously denied by the CIA, on-the-ground witnesses during the Korean War assert that biological agents were dropped from clandestine nighttime flights over the Chinese side of Yalu River valley.
On a visit to northern China, one of the surviving civil-defense volunteers told me about cleaning up bundles of straw containing horse hair and rat droppings. His account was consistent with murine (mouse-borne) Hantavirus, which is spread through rat urine and feces.
Hantavirus proved difficult to control, however, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 American soldiers along the Han River (the namesake of Hantavirus), making it among the most lethal self-inflicted errors in the history of warfare. Long after the end of the Korean conflict, Hantavirus continued to kill Americans, including native Indians in the Four Corners region and, more recently, tourists in Yosemite National Park.
Extermination by Gene Modification
Ecology-specific pathogens are developed under geopolitical strategies for specific regions. The UAE is the sole Arab state to participate in the WHO International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, while Israel and ally Turkey take a leading role. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and China have cooperated to decode camel DNA, the first step in the quest for camel antibodies that can resist MERS. The world is locked in a clandestine biological war to either attack or defend entire populations and capture the resources of a region.
Over the past decade, successive outbreaks of gene-modified SARS, avian influenza, ebola and MERS have had the effects of economic sabotage and terror over national populations in concerted attempts to put public-health systems under Western control. The U.S., Canadian, Australian, European and Japanese response is invariably refusal to admit the obvious.
A forensic investigation into the source of Korean MERS is urgently needed. The likelihood of a fair scientific inquiry is, however, practically nil. The government in Seoul is already totally compromised by its blanket cover-up of the likely scenario that the Sewol ferry sinking was caused by an underwater collision with one of the South Korean Navy’s new Dolphin-class submarines built in cooperation with Israel Shipyard Industries. With MERS, its credibility is sinking to new depths.
Forthright answers to the real cause of the MERS outbreak will not readily emerge out of militarist
-minded Seoul or from Washington, meaning Arab nations must prepare for worse to come while innocent Koreans continue to lose their lives in collateral damage.
Science journalist Yoichi Shimatsu led a public health information team during the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong and avian influenza contagion in Thailand.
[출처: 제4언론]

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